Printing The Reports

To print the selected report/s, click on the toolbar. The printed report will be formatted so that cover page and each section starts on a new  page, and customized with the appropriate dealer logo, depending on your kXg rep registration, i.e. Credential Asset Management,  


After you have completed printing the reports close the report window using the X in the upper right corner of the browser to return to the Portfolio Planner window.


The printed report can be used to:


Printing Tips

The report is printed directly from the browser window.  There are some settings that can be changed on your Internet Explorer browser that will improve the appearance of the printed reports by:


Removing the Headers and Footers from the Printed Pages

The settings in your browser automatically include the web address and page numbers on all printed documents. These can be permanently excluded from the printed page by changing the page set up for the browser.

In your browser go to File|Page Setup and delete the information that appears in the Header and Footer fields.



Printing the Shading in the Report Headings and Tables

In order to print the shading of the section headings or tables, you will need to have "Print background colors and images" checked off in the advanced internet options for your Internet Explorer browser.


To access this setting click on Tools|Internet Options to open the dialog box. Select the Advanced tab and check off "Print background colors and images" as shown below.



Changing Advisor Profile Information

The advisor name that appears on the report is based on your kXg profile.  To change your personal profile, if your name is not displaying correctly: